Why Choose Austin ISD?

Austin ISD is committed to ensuring your child is college, career, and life ready. Every day and in every classroom from Pre-K to 12th grade, we offer a safe and healthy school environment that is academically rigorous and supported by a nationally-recognized focus on social-emotional learning. We're ready - are you?

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Join Our Team!

Our district values diversity, inclusion, and meaningful engagement for all! In Austin ISD we believe in a culture of equity, opportunity, and support for all students and staff. Austin ISD is hiring individuals who share our commitment to educate all students and the whole student. We are a family of innovators, big thinkers and collaborators, and we are looking for people who inspire that spirit in our students.

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Austin ISD Bond

Discover how Austin ISD's $2.44B bond enhances safety, upgrades tech and modernizes facilities. Stay informed on timelines and milestones as we transform education for our students and support our educators!

2022 Bond Program >>


UpClose participants take immersive tour of Austin ISD (En español)

This year’s cohort of the Austin ISD leadership program, UpClose, jumped on an electric bus and set off to see how the district honors the past while putting some of the district’s most medically vulnerable students in modern spaces. Why it matters: The tour…

Student safety and advocacy (En español)

Dear Austin ISD Families,  We are aware that students from some of our high schools are planning a peaceful walkout this afternoon. We want to assure you that we have protocols around these kinds of events and are prepared to keep all students safe.…

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Board, administration expands public comment access (En español)

There will now be more time to sign up for public comment, allowing elementary-level teachers to call outside their duty hours.



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